Explore Camp JORI
A tradition since 1937
Camp JORI, on 75 pristine acres in Wakefield, Rhode Island, is a co-ed Jewish overnight and day camp that provides amazing summer experiences for children in grades K-10. Our comprehensive programs include sports, arts, water activities (including two pools and a stunning waterfront), and other special adventures! Our day-to-day programming is enhanced by Jewish and Israeli culture and our strong sense of “TACEO” – Taking Care of Each Other. Summer days here are definitely action-packed, and great for everyone! Whether your child is a day camper, full season overnight camper, or is trying camp for the first time, we offer a wide variety of session options. Our Jump Into JORI weekend program is perfect for those who want to get a taste of overnight camp.
Our History
In 1909, the Jewish Orphanage of Rhode Island was established on the site of what is now The Miriam Hospital. To offer a summer of fun for the residents, a camp was built in Narragansett. When the Orphanage closed its doors, the camp as we know it today was established. In 2003 the camp moved to its current location in Wakefield on 72 pristine acres surrounded by Nature Conservancy protected land. The state-of-the art facility was built with the needs of contemporary families in mind. The pristine setting includes playing fields, a theater, a recreation hall, two swimming pools, and a 400 seat dining room overlooking 600 feet of waterfront on Worden’s Pond.
If the walls of Camp JORI could talk, they would tell the story of four generations of campers coming into our door as wide-eyed youngsters, enjoying fun-filled summers. Many JORI campers continue become counselors, and some now serve on our Board of Directors. Camp JORI fosters a feeling of family and long-standing memories of good times.
JORI Today
Camp JORI sits on over 72 acres of pristine woodland, on the largest lake in Rhode Island with an exceptional waterfront for boating and fishing. The site is surrounded by Nature Conservancy protected land. When you come into camp you are welcomed at the visitor center and then you begin the JORI experience.
Our beautiful facility includes:
- Large dining hall with a professional kosher kitchen
- Multi-purpose rec hall which can accommodate all of the campers at one time
- Modern theatre/auditorium/sanctuary
- Spacious cabins with showers and all single beds for sleeping
- Separate LIT village for the older campers
- Comfortable infirmary/health center
- Playing fields for a wide variety of sports and activities
- Basketball courts
- Tennis courts
- Beach volleyball court
- Low ropes course
- GAGA pit
- Archery field
- Arts and crafts center
- Covered outdoor pavilion
- Two swimming pools with slides and a fountain
- Nature trails
8:00 am Wake Up Call
8:30 Flag Pole
8:45 Breakfast
9:15 Clean-Up & Inspection
10:15-10:55 Activity 1 (Together as a cabin)
11:00-11:40 Activity 2 (Together as a cabin)
11:45-12:25 Activity 3 (Together as a cabin)
12:30 pm Return to Cabins to wash up
12:45 Lunch
1:30 Rest Hour
2:30-3:10 Weekly Interest Period (Cabin Act. on Sunday)
3:15 Candy Call
3:30 Monthly Interest Period (Cabin Act. on Sunday)
4:15-5:00 All Camp Swim
5:45 Flagpole
6:00 Dinner
6:45 Cabin Time
7:15 Evening Activity
8:00pm All Camp Snack
8:30 Snack / LIT Evening Activity
9:15 Lights Out for Lower Camp
11:00 (LITs) Lights Out
12:00 am Staff Curfew

“JORI has been my second home since I was 8 years old. While my years as a camper are unforgettable, working as a counselor, and eventually the pool director, has been an experience unlike any other working environment. JORI is a place where you walk in with strangers but end up with family.”
-- Hannah Melnick